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"If the people don't want to come out to the park, nobody's going to stop them." - Yogi Berra


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2024 Regular Season

    Home and away Home only
Team 1
Team 2    
From To    

General Information

If you are using this schedule for planning purposes make sure that you doublecheck the results since games times are often changed to accomodate TV and this schedule is infrequently updated after the initial schedule has been published. The best place to check is the team's web site.

   If you do not get the desired results click the change parameters link to return to the original window. The parameters can then be changed and the form resubmitted.

Standard Schedule Options

  1. Entire MLB schedule
  2. Entire schedule for a particular team
  3. Entire home schedule for a particular team
  4. Entire visiting schedule for a particular team
  5. All games for team 1 vs team 2
  6. Home games only games for team 1 vs team 2
  7. Filter any of above options with start and end dates

How To

Display entire MLB schedule

Select "All teams" for team 1, "All teams" for team 2, the (home and away/home only option) makes no difference for these choices. You may filter by date by filling in either or both the from or to dates. Leaving blank will include all games.

Display entire schedule for a particular team

Select team 1, "All teams" for team 2, the (home and away/home only option) will be "home and away". You may filter by date by filling in either or both the from or to dates. Leaving blank will include all games.

Display entire home schedule for a particular team

Select team 1, "All teams" for team 2, the (home and away/home only option) will be "home only". You may filter by date by filling in either or both the from or to dates. Leaving blank will include all games.

Display entire visiting schedule for a particular team

Select "All teams" for team 1, select a team for team2 the (home and away/home only option) makes no difference. You may filter by date by filling in either or both the from or to dates. Leaving blank will include all games.

Display all games for team 1 vs team 2

Select a team for team 1, select a team for team2, the (home and away/home only option) will be "home and away". You may filter by date by filling in either or both the from or to dates. Leaving blank will include all games.

Display home games only games for team 1 vs team 2

Select a team for team 1, select a team for team2, the (home and away/home only option) will be "home only". You may filter by date by filling in either or both the from or to dates. Leaving blank will include all games.

Filter any of above options with start and end dates

You may populate either date field, neither field, or both fields. Only games greater than or equal to the "From" date will be included. Likewise only games less than or equal to the "To" date will be included. If left blank all games will be included.